- 世界唯一「近紅外線」烘豆科技
- 全自動數位操作及監察,以至下豆、出豆也完全不用人手
- 溫度、風門、轉速等一鍵控制,反應靈活
- 外型時尚、簡約,安裝及設置方便
- 記錄每一爐的曲線,重覆烘焙時,能做到風味一致,質量穩定
- 電腦化記錄,方便查閱,修正或改良曲線
- 減省人手,利用多餘時間安排其它工作
- 全電能操作,減少燃料費開支,減省成本
- 非常節能
- 售後服務很貼心
- 台灣製造,信心保證
Zuco Coffee Roaster
ZUCO - A Hong Kong based specialty coffee roasters with a licensed food factory founded in 2017.
In addition to sourcing the finest coffee of different origins around the world, we are also an award-winning coffee roaster with unique skill roasting the best coffee with the highest quality for you and your company to enjoy.Our mission is not only to roast the finest premium coffee for your enjoyment. We also want you to appreciate coffee as an art of living through our fun-filled educational workshops, promotional activities as well as special exhibitions and events.
Scope of Works:
- Online Shop
- Retail & Wholesale Supply
- Corporate Events & Workshop
INTERNATIONAL AWARDS:Australian International Coffee Awards (AICA) :
- GOLD Medal Winner 2020 (Espresso, Blend Category)
- BRONZE Medal Winner 2020 (Espresso, Blend Category)
- SILVER Medal Winner 2019 (Cappuccino, Milk Coffee Category)
- BRONZE Medal Winner 2019 (Cappuccino, Milk Coffee Category)
- TWO BRONZE Medals Winner 2022 (Cappuccino, Milk Coffee)
- 92 & 93 point rating from US Coffee Review on 2020.